Comment Is Free

Comment Is Free, an online archive intervention and Unlimited, a print edition, have resulted from a collaboration with the IMA team over a period of one year. Both projects, in different ways, examine the history of the institution and stress the relevance of the agency of the artist involved in the process of commemoration. Drawing upon the work of Giorgio Agamben, the project evolves around a close investigation of ‘the apparatus’: a specific set of relations between discourses, institutions, buildings and aesthetic propositions. To understand the history of any institution is to understand the networks of power relations between those elements. How does one approach a memory which is not one’s own? Such memory spanning forty years has been embedded in the archival knowledge but perhaps more importantly, if not more accurately, it resides in people who themselves contributed to the making of an institution.
Conversations with Malcolm Enright, Judy Watson, Josh Milani, Lyndall Milani.
Comment is Free
comissioned by Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.