Social Cinema
Watch Social Cinema 3 here
Social Cinema consisted of a series of temporary cinemas, each installed for one night only into the existing urban fabric of the London Architectural Biennale designated route between Exmouth Market and the Millennium Bridge. Films about, set in, or commenting on London and its architecture were stunningly projected upon the city itself.
At each location, buildings became screens, steps seating, residents generously gave power, or loaned their houses as projection booths. The architectural fabric of the temporary cinemas was improvisery, and playful; pallets borrowed from an adjacent market made temporary bleachers, plastic crates from local pubs and restaurants became seating, neighbours joined the audience, and volunteers with torches transformed into ushers. Social Cinema turned un-built spaces into auditoria and spectacularly intervened in neglected places around landmark buildings.
The film programmes of Social Cinema traced an evolution in the moving-image representation ofeveryday life, from the observer and observed of classic documentaries, to contemporary participation in those representations through mobile technologies, by people living and playing in London.
Each program began by introducing ideas and observations on London and its buildings with excerpts from lectures in the Architectural Association Archives; including Cedric Price, Denys Lasdun, Reyner Banham, and Ron Herron; we then looped back to the 1960’s showing some magnificent films from the Free Cinema movement, of everyday – meaning working class experience. The Free Cinema sequence was followed by a selection of extrordinary amateur films from Straight 8 and these segued into short films previously uploaded onto internet sites where skateboarders, shoppers, and tourists record their interactions with the city.
The programmes were as follows
Social Cinema 3
24th June – 9.30 pm
Pauls Walk under the Millennium Bridge EC4
Programme: excerpts of lectures by
Reyner Banham This Is Tomorrow Exhibition 1976
Denys Lasdun National Theatre South Bank 1989
Jacques Herzog Tate Modern 1999Followed by
John Smith Girl Chewing Gum 1974
And the Straight 8 selection of
Sandalz Deja Vu 2005
Benrt Lutzeler Rapid Eye Love 2005
Darren Walsh Rauhalglauarghuauagh! 2005Followed by
Short films found on-line
Social Cinema 2
23rd June – 9.30 pm
Finsbury Health Centre, Pine Street, EC1
Programme: excerpts of lectures by
Cedric Price Aiming to Miss 1975
Followed by
Leslie Daiken One Potato Two Potato 1957
Daniel Mulloy Antonioâ’s Breakfast 2006And the Straight 8 selection of
Dave Waters Harry 2005
Chris Durban & James Owen Class of 2005 2005Followed by
Short films found on-line
Social Cinema 1
17th June – 9.30 pm
Car Wash Wall opposite the Zetter, St Johns Square, EC1
Programme: excerpts of lectures by
Reyner Banham House Of The Future 1976
Ron Herron Sets Fit For The Queen 1976Followed by
Claude Goretta & Alain Tanner Nice Time 1957
And the Straight 8 selection of
Chris Vincze Evol 2005
Diego Arrendondo Tequila Chamuco 2005Followed by
Short films found on-line
The programme was subject to change, all screenings began at dusk / 9.30pm
Social Cinema
London Architecture Biennale
Screenings: 17 June, 23 June, 24 June 2006
Locations: Clarkenwell Car Wash Fourcourt, Finsbury Health Centre, Millenium Bridge